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  • Writer's pictureKeith Compton

10 Common Diet Pitfalls

The following are mistakes many dieters make:

1. Impatience And Unrealistic Expectations

Weight loss will not be instantaneous, nor will it easy or without sacrifices along the way. Gear yourself up for slow, steady weight loss, the only clinically proven way to lose weight permanently.

2. The Wrong Game Plan

Clinical studies show that calorie restriction’not the carbohydrate or fat composition of the food’is the only consistent factor in successful weight loss. If you don’t restrict calories, your diet won’t work.

3. Changing Your Eating Habits.

Radical changes in what you eat will only result in your feeling deprived and burdened. Instead, make small but consistent changes in your overeating habits. You will achieve weight loss without hunger.

4. Depending On Willpower

This will set you up for failure. Instead, view weight loss in a positive light: as a set of skills to be mastered.

5. Eating Less Food And Fewer Meals

Eating more frequently, and consuming high-fiber, less calorie-dense foods in larger quantities, will yield better results. Start by having a healthy salad before lunch and dinner. Always have a mid-morning and mid-afternoon snack, such as a handful of high-fiber almonds or an apple.

6. Turning Food Into Your Enemy

Food is your friend: it will help you lose weight. Get rid of negative and self-sabotaging thoughts using cognitive restructuring. An example: After overeating, encourage yourself to get back on track.

7. Trying To Stay Away From Your Pantry And Fridge

Instead, modify your home environment. Shop wisely: If you don’t buy it, you won’t try it.

8. Trying Not To Think About Food

You will have great success if you do think about your meals. In fact, try to plan all of your meals the day before. Especially important are lunch at work, and the late-afternoon and evening snack.

9. Viewing Exercise As A Chore

View exercise as you do your checkbook. It will tip your daily net calorie balance to weight loss. Calories burned will either contribute to weight loss or let you to eat more daily calories or enjoy a splurge.

10. Making Dramatic Changes

Studies show that working on making small, daily changes results in long-term, lasting behavioral shifts versus making huge or dramatic changes in lifestyle or diet, which are most often unsustainable.

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