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  • Writer's pictureKeith Compton

Back Pains - How To Avoid Them

Find out how to avoid back pains

We all experience back pains, especially after long, stressful days at work. Even though they are very common, it is not something you should pass by without thinking about how to solve this issue. Certainly, taking ibuprofen works, but only temporarily, and as soon as you start the day, back pains can reappear when you expect least. In order to prevent them and have a better day at work, follow these small suggestions:

  • Wear flats instead of heels. Heels only confuse your body through changing its gravitational center, making you lower yourself to compensate for the height you gained. Sure, wearing heels will make you look thinner, but your back will suffer as a consequence.

  • Your back pockets should be empty. You should never sit on your keys, phone or wallet, because by doing so you press on the sciatic nerve.

  • If you work in an office, stand up whenever you can. During lunch or small breaks you might even have the chance to move along a bit and stretch your neck and back muscles.

  • When you lift heavy objects, make sure you have the correct posture in order to protect your back: bend your knees and tighten your abdominal muscles to keep your back in its natural shape.

  • Maintain your weight or lose some pounds. If you are overweight, along with your other organs, the skeletal system will suffer as well, as fat puts pressure on bones.

  • Sleep on your back, preferably on a hard mattress. If you can’t, however, make sure you put a pillow between your legs when you sleep sideways.

  • Go to regular checkups. If the back pains persist, be smart and go for an emergency checkup as you might have more serious problems.

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